
Privacy Policy

Updated on 9 February 2017

Privacy Policy
The privacy of visitors is very important to us. Our Privacy Policy informs users of how collects and stores information generated through your use of the website.
Statistics, through the Google Analytics service, collects demographic, behavioral and technological information from users of our service.The information contained in the records includes your ISP (Internet Service Provider), your Internet Protocol (IP) address, the browser you used when visiting our website, the time of your visit and what pages you visited within our website. This information is anonymous and private, and is used to monitor the performance of the site. reserves the right to use this information in its description, provided that this use does not infringe the privacy of users of this service.
Register, through the service of registration and creation of CV on the website, keeps all information and files submitted by the User. It is the duty of the User to define the privacy of his / her registration by selecting the privacy status of his / her account at the bottom of the configuration page of my CV. The user registration details are available by default to all Clients. If you wish to be available only to the Clients of the vacancies to which you have applied, you must choose this privacy state as indicated above. is not responsible for, nor can be responsible for, the use or dissemination of the User data by the Customers, and any anomalous situation must be dealt with between the User and the Customer.
It is the User's duty to log out of his account to terminate his session on is not responsible, nor can it be held responsible for open sessions in the system. If you access the website through a public computer, always remember to log out of your account in order to protect access to your data.
Database database, which keeps all information submitted by Users, is protected by the highest standards of computer security, however is not responsible for the theft or misuse of this information by third parties.